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Friday, September 12, 2014

Intruder Sparks Lockdown At White House

A man has been arrested after jumping over the north fence of the White House - triggering a lockdown at the presidential home.

The intruder, who appeared to be wearing a yellow Pokemon hat as well as holding a Pokemon toy, ran across a garden in the grounds.

Secret service agents sprang into action with their guns drawn and ordered him to lie down.

After resisting calls to get down, the man was forcibly pushed to the ground and held down by an agent and searched.

Moments later, he was led off the lawn with his hands cuffed and head hanging low.

A Secret Service spokeswoman said in a statement: "An individual jumped the North fence line. He was immediately apprehended and taken into custody by USSS Uniformed Division Officers."

Secret Service officers deal with fence jumpers or bags thrown over into the premises of the White House as serious potential threats.

The incident took place on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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