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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ebola virus: Natural Treatment Options That Are Ignored

Lets face it, contracting the Ebola virus is a terrifying thought for most people. Regrettably, this contagious and deadly illness is a reality in our modern day world of high-speed travel and immunity-destroying chemicals. But while the mainstream media continues to exploit the situation by seizing the opportunity to push a vaccine agenda, a wealth of information is available for protecting oneself from infection — and treating it naturally if one does fall ill with the disease.

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, is a staunch opponent of the view that a vaccine against Ebola is a viable solution to the problem. In light of the dangers of vaccines — namely, exposure to toxins which in themselves cause serious illness, Dr. Levy believes that we have an range of treatment options which won't cause side effects yet are exceptionally successful against the virus.

Naturally destroying the Ebola virus Vitamin C in one of the best defenses against acute viral infections like Ebola. Essentially, vitamin C destroys viruses by triggering the "Fenton reaction" — a process where viral replication is compromised. The vitamin also promotes a strong immune system, allowing for harmful invaders to
be attacked and neutralized.

"There is no other substance that singularly does as much to promote increased and strong immune function as vitamin C.

"Among many other effects, vitamin C directly stimulates interferon and antibody production, while effectively supercharging the functions of the white blood cells by becoming very concentrated inside those cells."

Moreover, Robert F. Cathcart III, MD, proposes the idea that an Ebola infection is likened to acute induced scurvy, which causes intense internal bleeding and subsequent free radical death. Interestingly, vitamin C is considered the cure for scurvy. In his clinical experience, the high dosage of oral vitamin C (ascorbic acid required to combat Ebola is unrealistic due to bowel intolerance.

However,intravenous sodium ascorbate (at least 180 grams per 24 hours) is an outstanding alternative.

A full overview of the protocol can be found here . Another promising treatment is Garcinia kola . A medium- sized tree native to Africa, extracts of the plant are commonly used in traditional African medicine. And now, researchers have discovered that Garcinia kola destroys a wide-range of viruses , including Ebola.

GreenMedInfo also reports that genistein (present in soybeans) and tyrphostin inhibit the infection of host cells by the Ebola virus.

According to research published in the journal Archives of Virology:

"In all, these data demonstrate that infection of host cells with the filoviruses MARV [Marburg virus] and EBOV [Ebola virus] and the arenavirus LASV [Lassa virus] is inhibited when cells are pretreated with genistein or tyrphostin AG1478. In both cases, the inhibition was found to be concentration dependent. Although the inhibition of EBOV in cells pre-treated with 100 lM genistein appeared to differ slightly, the addition of increasing concentrations of tyrphostin AG1478 led to a synergistic antiviral effect."

And don't forget about basic nutrition. As Dr. Levy points out:

"This is a disease that spreads most effectively among populations that have a substantially poorer nutritional status than is seen in the United States and other well-fed populations around the world. …

"Furthermore, it has been published that there are a substantial number of individuals, often healthcare workers who treated Ebola patients, who have a symptomless infection when exposed to Ebola virus . This further supports the concept just mentioned that the nutritional status of the exposed individuals is a very important consideration in determining the likelihood of the infection proceeding to severe illness or even death."

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